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Restricting User Privileges on WordPress Databases

If you are running multiple Wordpress setups on the same web…

Top 10 steps to Secure Your WordPress Website

On average, 30,000 new websites are hacked each day. Wordpress…

Leave an impression in the virtual world with your blog design

You may have the best of the content however if you don’t have…

Sitemap on your WordPress Blog

Search engine optimization is really important for any blog or…

Few common mistakes that beginners bloggers should be aware of

People write a blog for a variety of reasons, as an ongoing diary…

Facts of WordPress as the best choice of CMS for Business websites or blog

Digital Intersect as a Web consulting firm, decided to focus…

Reasons to choose WordPress for your website

It is Free Its open source and thus the platform itself is free…

Best plugins to fight comment spam for WordPress!

Spam in Blogs We don’t need to explain anything about Spam…

Customizing Permalink in WordPress!

When it comes to blogging, we depend on lot of ways generating…